because the power is not mine中文什么意思

  • because:     因为。 The boy was a ...
  • power:    n. 1.力,力量;能力;体力,精力 ...
  • not:    adv. 不。 1.〔谓语、句子的否 ...
  • mine:     mine2 n. 1.矿 ...
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  1. because she wants to look hot for him 什么意思
  2. because someone will give her away 什么意思
  3. because that lullaby was mine 什么意思
  4. because the greatest love of all 什么意思
  5. because the language confuses 什么意思
  6. because therefore 什么意思
  7. because they were set deeinto the wall 什么意思
  8. because they write a lot 什么意思
  9. because threrfor 什么意思
  10. because we are friends 什么意思


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